
Hot Runner Molding Accessories


Midwest Innovation, Inc.

111 Erick Street, #102

Crystal Lake, IL  60014

Phone (847)650-0138


To contact us:

  Midwest Innovation, Inc.

111 Erick Street, Unit #102

  Crystal Lake, IL  60014

        Phone: 847-650-0138

           Fax: 888-893-4647





 Crimp Style

 Wire &

 Conduit &   Clamps

  Cable    Gallery

To Order: Use the Item # or description that  represents the part you need from the   following pages. You can also print the webpage and mark up the quantity you need. Our FAX# is (888) 893-4647 or you can email us at Make sure to include your Local SalesTax unless you are tax exempt which you will need to include a copy of your cert or tax   exempt form with you PO. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime.

Being involved in the Hot Runner Control technology since 1990, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity of being educated by many great people in the Injection Molding Industry. Many of these “teachers” were customers that had a great deal of patience for a newcomer like me, and taught me from their years of experience in the Injection Molding environment. Before then, I had no idea of how “Plastics” were made. I’m very thankful to all those who helped me and continue to provide support and feedback. Most of you know how you have helped me over the years and I can only hope you know how much I appreciate the time you gave me.  

Since 2006, we have been providing Hot Runner Mold Cables to Injection Molders across North America. We’ve receive continuous feedback on our Quality, Reliability and the Value we provide with the cables we build. So whether you use a standard cable or happen to be one of the many molders that need a custom solution, with close to 15000 cables currently running production in the field, we have probably built something similar to what you need. We specialize in custom cables at a very fair price. Please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime with questions.

Thanks for visiting our site.

About Us

Quality of Materials:

   We pride ourselves in using only the best materials in    our cables. Years of testing and productions runs  have    given us the confidence to stand behind our cables to    the point that if you don’t think our cables can stand up    to your molding environment, simply ship the cable    back to us within 30 Days for a full refund of the price of    the cable.

Connector Parts Supplied by these Manufacturing Co’s

        ÖLFLEX®     EPIC®